In this poster abuse is being communicated, and the quote
“If, I am allowed to speak, then I’ll tell you how hurt I am” BUT I’M NOT…
Shows what most abuse victims suffer from which is BWS (Battered wife syndrome)
which leaves victims feeling powerless and compelled to stay with whoever it is
that are abusing them. In this case though the image is of a child, so
therefore this poster is on about the effects of child abuse. I think this is
effective because it is straight to the point and shows you what physical abuse
looks like and the effects of it mentally on the child. This colours photo of
red shows that blood has been wrote on this child.

This poster has the text GAME OVER and the text underneath
says you have one life…you don’t get another chance. This poster is apparently
about drunk driving but using game over symbolises that you have no more lives
in a game. When it comes to real life you only have one that’s why they used
this metaphor. From that part of the poster it does not show that it is about
drunk driving but the logo of THINK shows that the metaphor is about drunk
driving. I think this poster is somewhat effective but the meaning of it gets
lost without an image.

This poster is about smoking, and the dangers of it on your
life. The slogan don’t let your job go up in smoke symbolises that smoking can
affect your job, family life, social life and many other things. There is
another slogan below which says that drugs and alcohol have no place in the
mines which I don’t understand unless it’s a typo which I think would be highly
unlikely as there are other posters with the same slogan. I think that this poster is very effective
because it highlights if you do drugs and alcohol it will have a negative
effects on your life and work.

In this poster drunk driving is being communicated by
showing a deceased body with their toe tag. The slogan last night there was this girl. She got wrecked! is quite boring but at least whomever made the poster made the text wrecked made it uniquely with bold and unbold lettering to make the title stand out. This poster has a lot of information on it to educate people on drunk driving by using persuasion in their text, an example of this is; do you know someone who regularly drink drives? Followed by your information could help save lives! This makes the reader of the poster/us feel personally targeted at by using the word you and your. There are many other instances that this poster uses this as well. There is also the number below which you can use to contact the organisation if you know someone who is regularly and currently drinking and driving. I think that this poster is very effective because the image is intriguing as well as the text that has been used, and not only that but it has useful information that doesn't fill up the page to make it boring. Although the colours used in this poster are quite bland and boring;the only use of colour is red and black, I could see why they would use red though because red is a colour that are brains see as danger, and alerting.
This poster communicates quitting smoking by using nicorette lozenges. The posters typography starts off with the slogan;calm your cravings and quit for good the word quit is in bold capital letters and is also in black, and the rest of the test is in green capitals. Underneath there is an image of the product and a fact that reads calms cravings in nine out of ten smokers. This text is also in the colour green and is a normal sentence with un-capital letters apart from the first letter. The poster seems pretty simple with it's use of white, black, blue and green. I think the background of the white however isn't very effective because it shows a lot of space within the poster which could be filled with another image or more of an interesting colour. This poster in my opinion would not be as effective without the wording but readers would get what the poster is trying to sell. I think that the slogan is very effective because it uses your which is a persuasive word to get the reader to resinate with the product, and I think that the fact that is used below is great because it gives you the idea that this product works 99% of the time it is used by the smoker demographic. I think this poster is also modern because it works in out present time by using recent facts and persuasive slogans.

This poster represents the British Heart Foundation which is a charity that funds research,education and awareness campaigns to prevent heart disease in humans. The poster starts off with a picture that has a group of women wearing red clothing and chatting whilst having a tea party. There is also a slogan underneath which reads wear it.Beat it. Which intrigues the reader to read on to figure out what the poster is on about. Then there is text below that says On 5 February wear red to raise money for life saving research. Which is a follow on from the slogan so the reader can understand what they have to wear and why.Then underneath that it says Get your free fundraising kit at bhf.org.uk/red or call 0800 330 0645. Which is information about the cause and what you can do towards it.The last text is at the bottom left which is the company slogan. Fight for every heartbeat with the website underneath. The posters use of red, black and white is good because red is used as a colour of danger,strength and love which alerts the readers eyes and intrigues them to read through it. The colours all together makes an effective poster. The wording is very empowering, comforting and makes the reader want to learn more about the charity. I think without the the text the image isn't as effective because it only shows a group of women smiling. Overall I think this poster is very effective and shows the meaning of the poster. It has quite in impact if the reader read through all of the text. The design also is in the present time by using an upcoming event, current phone number and url. Although the only con I can list is that there is a lot of text which could bore the reader which could not make them read it upon first glance.
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